Micropigmentation for vitiligo and leukoderma has been proven to be advantageous over recent years. Topical camouflage is the most effective visual treatment. It is not a traditional vitiligo treatment. Still is is used as a camouflage technique. Artificial pigments and micropigmentation needles are used. These specialised pigments are deposited into the skin. The patches are covered with a skin coloured patch. It will work best for darker skins. The correctness of colour match depends on the skills & competency of the technician.
Micro-Pigmentation is a process of changing the skin color by injecting artificial pigments into it. The pigment is stable and it will last for years before fading. If someone has a very long standing, stable and small vitiligo patch, and it is of cosmetic importance to cover the patch, he might choose the option of vitiligo micropigmentation. The Process of micropigmentation does not get affected by the process of vitiligo. It has in fact been used to camouflage the vitiligo spots. . Micropigmentation may however fade independently on some people. Cosmetic Micropigmentation procedures are a good choice for lips where no other treatments will work. The whole process in itself could a risk of infections if proper procedures are not adopted.
Case studies & Results
A research which was held recently proved that micropigmentation can help vitiligo patients. Thirty patients with localized stable vitiligo were selected from the Out Patient Department for cosmetic micropigmentation. Of them, 19 cases (63.3%) had skin patches, 9 cases (30%) had mucosal patches, and 2 cases (6.7%) had both skin and mucosal involvement. After complete clinical evaluation, cosmetic micropigmentation was performed on these patients, and they were followed up for 6 months. As results, 23 cases (76.7%) had excellent color matching, 2 cases (6.7%) had good color matching, and 5 cases (16.6%) had pigment shedding.
Excellent results were seen in all mucosal patches. Dark complexion cases showed better results than fair complexion ones. Using the art of micropigmentation to implant pigments in the skin is not uncommon. It is popular with people who have dark skin. Although the color of the pigment doesn’t always match the shade of the skin a 100%. It is still considered a useful way of hiding the patches.